Sunday, April 17, 2011

Looking at me, and even reading my blog I probably seem like one of the biggest bitches in the world, and I probably am, but at least I'm honest. But if I truly care about you, my biggest downfall isn't my bitchiness but the fact that I care too much. If you let me I could probably suffocate you with love, like I like to do with my roommate. So that brings me to my rambling thoughts, I think I care too much. I get jealous easily, but not over things that are ridiculous, at least I don't think so. & I don't think jealousy is a bad thing and I think if you actually care about someone you would have some sort of jealous tendency. No exceptions. Maybe I care too much, maybe I analyze things more than I should, try to complicate them, and maybe I always expect the worst. I build impossible expectations apparently, but at least I care. If I care about you, you know it and there isn't a question in your mind. If I care about you, you don't have to wonder if I love you because I'll tell you every day, not just if you are upset. When it comes to me you don't have to wake up every morning and wonder if I care, because the moment you text me, or I see your face I'm smiling no matter what is going on. If I care about you I will fight with you, but if I care about you I won't try to be right, I'll just try to move on. If I care about you I'll try, plain and simple. & If I care about you I'll be here until you aren't, and probably even after. Because I can't just move on from people I care about. I can't pretend to care any less than I do, and if that means I get jealous then I'm sorry, but at least it's obvious I care. 

Sorry for my rant, but I have an 8 page paper to write and had to get this off my chest.

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