Friday, April 15, 2011

I Should've Stayed

If you ask me everything is subjective. Unless there are legal documents, and sometimes even then, it is all a grey area. The biggest grey area of all though is cheating. What one person considers cheating others don't, from flirting to kissing to even sex, the line is very much blurred. But what blurs it even more is your stance in the love triangle.
I always tell my sister & her friends that if there isn't a ring there isn't a commitment, or one of my floor mates said that she draws the line at kids. There are three perspectives in this love triangle called cheating, all of which I have been at one point in time so in my expert opinion (and I do mean EXPERT) I've come to my separate view points from each angle and my over all view point on cheating so...

The Victim- Being cheated on is never fun. And there are stages for sure. Anger for one- I once ran over someones clothes with my car in the mud just because they cheated. Then the stage where you think it is your fault (and very little of the time it is) and lastly when you decide rather staying with this person is a good idea (let me help you out there: don't). Staying with someone who has cheated on you almost makes it seem like it is okay. It's basic  psychology, if theres no consequences there is no learning, come on even rats can do this. At some point you have to stop playing the victim, you become to strong person and you move on. My thoughts: you are only the victim for as long as you make it that way.

The Cheater: Cheating is subjective, like I said earlier, I classify cheating as anything that is emotional (flirty texting counts) or physically straying away from a committed relationship. I won't lie I have for sure fit in to this category a few times and this is what needs to happen when you do. Never try to hide it, if you do then comes the questions "how long" "with who' and of course "why". Everything you say needs to be honest, but don't give details unless you are asked. & of course never repeating this action again. Once you have cheated, even/especially if you get away with it you are more likely to cheat again. Don't put yourself in a situation where this becomes a possibility.

The "Home wrecker": Out of all these categories I have been the "other women" more times than I can count. Rather its something the actually girlfriend just made up in their head, or if it really happened I still believe that as the "other women" you should never be held responsible and you should not feel bad. If the person was going to cheat he was going to do it with you or with out you. And the victim needs to learn to blame the cheater not the "home wrecker" because most of the time the "home wrecker" doesn't even know you existed. Home wrecker, as long as you understand he probably doesn't care about you, then girl, you are golden.

I've already said it, cheating is subjective, but to much anything that is emotionally or physically straying is cheating. Everyone has different relationships, and in those relationships the two people might care more about different things, but in any situation if you are doing something that feels wrong, or doing something that you couldn't tell your significant other its not being faithful. & When you start to feel yourself straying maybe you should re evaluate your relationship.

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