Sunday, April 3, 2011

How Do You Know?

How do you know the difference between whats suppose to be a life long relationship or the relationship that should've lasted but just couldn't? When do you know to get out of it? People say that if love was easy it wouldn't be special, and I agree but at some point it becomes like homework, something that takes too much work and stresses you out and instead of just enjoying each other you are constantly wondering what the hell you are doing. Everyone has that break up, that one relationship that was nearly impossible to get over, and even years later in a happy marriage or relationship seeing that person can still stir your heart, so why did it end? Distance, fighting, communication problems. How do you make it work? There's the quote that the world can give us a million reasons why it isn't going to work but we are armed with the one reason it will. But how do you know if this love, is the one thats suppose to work. Have you ever said it out loud, said to someone "I don't think I can do this" and felt how empty you were. How do you get past it all? I keep thinking its all about adjusting, learning that every relationship is different and adjusting to the new one, but if adjusting is so hard then what? Again, you are sitting there thinking what the hell am I doing? Sometimes its easier to say I'm done, it's over, but if after you can't eat and everything makes you cry, is it really worth it, did you just throw away something you weren't suppose to?

How do you know?

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