Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Chaser

Jersey chasers and letter chasers. People (typically known as girls) who like a particular area of men. For example Football players+basketball+baseball+any sport with a ball=jersey chaser. This has been around for a while, the girls are usually seen as liking the status of dating someone who is campus or nation wide known, and lets just be honest most athletes tend to be ripped, what girl doesn't love that. But letter chaser is something that has been new to me since being at school. Girls (and boys) who like people (or hook up with people) in a particular fraternity or sorority. I wont lie, my lovely friends like to call me a letter chaser (although I beg to differ, I just like to hang out with people in a particular house), but my sisters have been warning me lately about some letter chasers that seem to really like my house. For boys, a girl who is willing to sleep with your entire frat (you included) isn't always a bad thing, for girls, a boy who is willing to sleep with your entire sorority is only a bad thing. But is being a letter chaser really an appropriate word for your attraction to the particular organization? Despite the fact they freak me out, I'm going to have to argue no. A "letter chaser" just seems to me like more of a type. During recruitment girls and boys are put into their respected houses based off of the guys or girls they get along with and have things in common with. Similar characteristics and attitudes if you will. So I feel like its safe to say if you like one person in the house, you could probably like a few more of them, aka you have a type. Everyone has a type, its why a lot of people end up dating their ex's friends. I'm not saying there isn't a difference between liking certain types of people and trying to hook up with everyone in a house as a goal, but having a type really isn't much of a chaser if you ask me.

So if a letter chaser (or jersey chaser) means that I like that particular group of people then I think its safe to say we are all a chaser of something and mine just happens to be letters. (although disclaimer for my benefit, the person I like is not involved in Greek life at all!)

1 comment:

  1. this song is sooo awesome! and you reminded me of harry potter with the idea of sorting people into houses. (I'm a dork and I'm okay with that)also my bff from RI also talks about being in a sorority and i'm impressed that both of you can do it. major props to you!
