Thursday, February 24, 2011

Renewing Peace Part Three

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Wouldn't that be nice if this classic child's saying would be true? But does it work in a more positive way? There are 8 sets of simple words that carry heavy meaning and if used in life and when they should be, could change the world one step at a time.

  1. Thank you- Feeling like you are appreciated is rewarding. Knowing someone appreciates you being there and what you do makes working those few extra hours, or doing those little favors for people worth it. & makes them occur more often- PAY IT FORWARD :) 
  2. I love you- just a reminder every day, hanging up the phone, parting ways that you are important in someones life and they are important in yours. Say this daily and when you mean it because you never know when will be the last time. This truly mends your heart.
  3. I'm sorry- This one is a tricky one. If you say it to often and with no action it truly loses meaning. I have a friend who said sorry so much and never changed and now when they say it to me it means about nothing. But when someone truly means it and shows that they realize they really hurt you is always a step in the right direction. 
  4. I forgive you- EVERYONE screws up, and when the other person realizes that this isn't typical of you its a relief to a breaking heart. 
  5. I was wrong- takes courage but brings respect, a new found understanding, and mostly steps in the right direction. 
  6. You are beautiful- cheesy yes but when someone tells you you are beautiful its not a physical appearance, they are seeing much more than just your face. Beauty is intimate.  
  7. Great job- when you are recognized for something you do and did well you are more likely to achieve more in the future, and not to mention its a great self confidence boost.  
  8. I miss you- aka i love your company & can't wait to be with you again. How could these words not warm your heart. 
But any of these words used too much could lose meaning. Say them always, always mean them, say them every day to somebody and when the timing is right, you never know the impact you could have someone elses day. Words like these have prevented people from committing suicide.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but kind words can mend your heart :)

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