Monday, February 21, 2011

Renewing Love Part Three

Trust. Relationships will thrive with it, and wither without. & this one little word doesn't only apply to "loveships" as the girl across the hall calls them, no it applies to friendships and even family dynamics as well. What is amazing to me is that ability some (namely me) have to openly trust people so willing, so soon. Think about it. Through out the day many people leave their doors unlocked in their dorm halls, trusting no one will steal something, those hook ups you have behind doors, you are trusting that person to not be giving you an STD or to "kiss and tell", and then there is the simple trusting of parents and trusting of friends. Being trusted to borrow a car, repay money, go where you are saying, and being home on time. Every day we are given examples of why we shouldn't trust people and yet we do. For example this summer my curfew was 1 AM, but almost every night I'd come home at 4 AM, or in one of the dorm halls at school someone stole a computer but we still continue to live our lives as if this never happened. Is it the little belief we have that there is good in everyone? Or is it people (again much like me) who would rather trust and be hurt over and over again, than to live without love and in fear? I can't write too much today thanks to mono and sleeping drugs. But we all have that one person in our lives, who has hurt us numerous times and has come back swearing they have changed, saying they have missed us. But whose fault is it, your number didn't change, you still live in the same house, how many times can you rebuild your trust with this person before there is no going back?

My answer. Infinite. If it is love there will always be a reason to trust.

on a different note the Cataracts. If you don't know who they are they are AMAZING. One of my favorite songs below :)

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