Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Renewing Faith Part Three

So as I was driving to Overland Park for the third time in three days to go see my dad I was looking at the tail lights and the head lights I remembered back to when I was little and always thought the red lights meant I was going somewhere bad and the white were somewhere good. I know that makes no sense but maybe it does. The red lights were leaving things behind and maybe that's because the place I was driving away from I was going to miss and was jealous of all the people going there. But just a thought. This week is making me believe in fate a bit more. I go to school a bit away from home and it happen to be fate that my dad had his diabetic attack while I was here, and that my mom caught him in time because if not he would've died. & maybe that's just God working and i know this post is weird and messed up but my brain is fried. This horrible thing though is bringing together my family in a way I didn' think would happen for awhile. Yes its hard and yes nothing will be the same but he is here and  I will take what I can get. I promise the next one will be better. Until then here is the song my dad sings all the time.

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