Sunday, February 20, 2011

Renewing Peace Part Two

“The first question,” said Martin Luther King, Jr., “which the priest and the Levite asked was: ‘If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But... the good Samaritan reversed the question: ‘If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?’”

Recently I have been slowly writing a paper about Health Care. Now I can't get too political because well, I don't quite understand politics, I just simply think Universal Health Care (much like Canada and England's) is just the right thing to do. Canada has one of the lowest infant mortality rates, and has a far greater life expectancy in comparison to the United States. We are suppose to be considered one of the greatest places to live, but every day when unemployment rises so does the number of people who don't have health insurance. & the beauty of it all is that it wouldn't cost people who have insurance anything at all or atleast less then its unknowingly costing them now. The price that is being paid for people who still get medical attention but can't pay for it, is still being paid through taxes, rather we recognize it or not. This is a much greater cost than what Universal Health Care would be.
But I'm just saying, I can't hold my ground too aggressively, but what I can say is I believe in Universal Health Care because I believe helping people is the right thing to do. As Martin Luther King Jr. said it shouldn't always be about what will happen to you, but what could happen to them. 

We watched this movie in my sociology class, biased yes, emotionally charged, very. And maybe I think this because I could never relate, all my life I have been covered and never paid a ridiculous amount for anything medical (except my birth control, 50 dollars COME ON!) but this movie will get at you and make you think. Just take one of these examples and apply it to you or a loved one, and its amazing how your perception changes.

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