Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Renewing Love & Maybe Peace

So I want to updated, and what I originally was going to update about was how I don't want to wait until I'm old to be with the person I love, I'd rather just grow old with them. & I suppose that is still where I am going with this. A very beloved person died today and her struggle with cancer has made me appreciate my time even more. & if you truly want something (or in my case someone) then go for it. Because if you wait for eventually, eventually could never come. I recently told one of my best guy friends that I think people can say I love you too much. But perhaps I changed my mind. I feel like at some point when you are looking back you don't think "I wish they hadn't said that so much", but maybe sit there and wish they said it one more time. So forget being scared, go for what (or who) you want. Don't wait to be old, but become old together. 

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