Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Renewing Love Part Four

When it comes to sex people basically fall into one of these categories

  1. waiting till marriage
  2. waiting till love
  3. waiting till it "feels right"
  4. wanting to stick it in to everyone
Each one (except maybe the last) have benefits to them, and as the years have passed from our great grandparents to our grandparents to our parents to us what society views as acceptable has changed. Religion, family influence, peer pressure, and even television can play into when you are "ready". How often does it seem like its really about love?

Reasons people have sex before they actually love someone

  1. all their friends are doing it. 
  2. television glamorizes it
Reasons people say no
  1. religion
  2. parents preach waiting till marriage.
  3. none of their friends are doing it 
  4. not ready for the possibility of a baby
And of course they may not love the person yet. Theres the one love reason. And yes all the reasons to say no are great reasons, & as for those people I commend you, but the reasons to say yes seem so off. Having sex is not "fucking", its not "railing", "banging", or "smushing" someone as Jersey Shore has provided us with. Having sex is making love, do you hear that, LOVE. When you have sex with someone you are investing emotion, but can improve communication. You are showing trust, you are trusting the person not to hurt you. So when in society did we start going to the clubs and going home with strangers, and walks of shame were no big deal? 

No I'm not preaching waiting till marriage and I'm not saying don't have sex, but I'm saying BE IN LOVE when you lose your virginity because you don't want to learn the hard way that you should've waited longer. 

**disclaimer: BE SAFE BE SMART. (& if you are in my family I hope you didn't read all of this). **

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