Sunday, February 13, 2011

Renewing Peace Part One

Most people who have taken an American History class have learned about the Spanish-American War. In my history class since 1877, we read a chapter and write a paper, every week all semester. I usually take nothing from it, however something struck me about this war. Maybe it was the point of view that the secondary resource was providing, but I had never noticed how America seems to always believe that it is their responsibility to fix other countries problems. & when things like that happen we end up in wars for years with innocent people dying. Now let me stray a bit away from the political stand point but more of a personal one.
I can confess to being a a person who mingles into others lives, to a point that's probably not healthy. But does this do more harm than good? & are our intentions pure or are they manipulated by another factor (jealousy, betrayal, fear)? We get so caught up on fixing other peoples problems we create more. So what is it about humans that we feel the need to "help" others? I'm not saying helping is bad simply just a question. Maybe that is what makes us different from the rest of the species that populates this world, survival of the fittest really doesn't seem to mean much to mankind.

on a side note, my secret got posted on postsecret!!! 

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