Monday, February 14, 2011

Renewing Love Part Two

So I could make this a huge rant about how I don't like Valentines day and how I don't celebrate it and then you would counter that I am alone and bitter, but lets be honest being alone any day of the year feels just like it does on Valentines day. Seeing that cute couple in your psychology class holding hands, or your roommates boyfriend spending the night is a painful reminder that you have yet to find your "better half" even on some random day in September. Valentines day is a pressure holiday thanks to the big named companies *cough cough Hallmark*. You've probably heard it time and time again but Valentines day shouldn't be the only day you express how much you care for a significant other, and lets be honest someone buying us something, making us something, or taking us somewhere randomly is more of a pleasant surprise than doing it on Valentines Day where you have to make reservations weeks in advance just to get somewhere nice.
But I'll make this short, I don't like Valentines Day, and I don't like people who don't like Valentines Day because they don't have a significant other. Valentines day is just like every other day and if you were alone yesterday than its no different today. So what if your boyfriend buys you a necklace for the day, do you know how many other girls get the same exact thing on this "special" love day? My roommate (a self proclaimed lover of the love day) argues that its a day of appreciation and that some people don't always show it. But if he (or she) is the right one, shouldn't they show it every day, and not just because a thousand advertisements are telling them to?

Happy V Day Girls, and in a month Happy Steak and Blow Job day to you gentlemen!
Enjoy the music!

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