Thursday, February 24, 2011

Renewing Peace Part Three

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Wouldn't that be nice if this classic child's saying would be true? But does it work in a more positive way? There are 8 sets of simple words that carry heavy meaning and if used in life and when they should be, could change the world one step at a time.

  1. Thank you- Feeling like you are appreciated is rewarding. Knowing someone appreciates you being there and what you do makes working those few extra hours, or doing those little favors for people worth it. & makes them occur more often- PAY IT FORWARD :) 
  2. I love you- just a reminder every day, hanging up the phone, parting ways that you are important in someones life and they are important in yours. Say this daily and when you mean it because you never know when will be the last time. This truly mends your heart.
  3. I'm sorry- This one is a tricky one. If you say it to often and with no action it truly loses meaning. I have a friend who said sorry so much and never changed and now when they say it to me it means about nothing. But when someone truly means it and shows that they realize they really hurt you is always a step in the right direction. 
  4. I forgive you- EVERYONE screws up, and when the other person realizes that this isn't typical of you its a relief to a breaking heart. 
  5. I was wrong- takes courage but brings respect, a new found understanding, and mostly steps in the right direction. 
  6. You are beautiful- cheesy yes but when someone tells you you are beautiful its not a physical appearance, they are seeing much more than just your face. Beauty is intimate.  
  7. Great job- when you are recognized for something you do and did well you are more likely to achieve more in the future, and not to mention its a great self confidence boost.  
  8. I miss you- aka i love your company & can't wait to be with you again. How could these words not warm your heart. 
But any of these words used too much could lose meaning. Say them always, always mean them, say them every day to somebody and when the timing is right, you never know the impact you could have someone elses day. Words like these have prevented people from committing suicide.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but kind words can mend your heart :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Renewing Faith Part Three

So as I was driving to Overland Park for the third time in three days to go see my dad I was looking at the tail lights and the head lights I remembered back to when I was little and always thought the red lights meant I was going somewhere bad and the white were somewhere good. I know that makes no sense but maybe it does. The red lights were leaving things behind and maybe that's because the place I was driving away from I was going to miss and was jealous of all the people going there. But just a thought. This week is making me believe in fate a bit more. I go to school a bit away from home and it happen to be fate that my dad had his diabetic attack while I was here, and that my mom caught him in time because if not he would've died. & maybe that's just God working and i know this post is weird and messed up but my brain is fried. This horrible thing though is bringing together my family in a way I didn' think would happen for awhile. Yes its hard and yes nothing will be the same but he is here and  I will take what I can get. I promise the next one will be better. Until then here is the song my dad sings all the time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Renewing Love Part Three

Trust. Relationships will thrive with it, and wither without. & this one little word doesn't only apply to "loveships" as the girl across the hall calls them, no it applies to friendships and even family dynamics as well. What is amazing to me is that ability some (namely me) have to openly trust people so willing, so soon. Think about it. Through out the day many people leave their doors unlocked in their dorm halls, trusting no one will steal something, those hook ups you have behind doors, you are trusting that person to not be giving you an STD or to "kiss and tell", and then there is the simple trusting of parents and trusting of friends. Being trusted to borrow a car, repay money, go where you are saying, and being home on time. Every day we are given examples of why we shouldn't trust people and yet we do. For example this summer my curfew was 1 AM, but almost every night I'd come home at 4 AM, or in one of the dorm halls at school someone stole a computer but we still continue to live our lives as if this never happened. Is it the little belief we have that there is good in everyone? Or is it people (again much like me) who would rather trust and be hurt over and over again, than to live without love and in fear? I can't write too much today thanks to mono and sleeping drugs. But we all have that one person in our lives, who has hurt us numerous times and has come back swearing they have changed, saying they have missed us. But whose fault is it, your number didn't change, you still live in the same house, how many times can you rebuild your trust with this person before there is no going back?

My answer. Infinite. If it is love there will always be a reason to trust.

on a different note the Cataracts. If you don't know who they are they are AMAZING. One of my favorite songs below :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Renewing Peace Part Two

“The first question,” said Martin Luther King, Jr., “which the priest and the Levite asked was: ‘If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But... the good Samaritan reversed the question: ‘If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?’”

Recently I have been slowly writing a paper about Health Care. Now I can't get too political because well, I don't quite understand politics, I just simply think Universal Health Care (much like Canada and England's) is just the right thing to do. Canada has one of the lowest infant mortality rates, and has a far greater life expectancy in comparison to the United States. We are suppose to be considered one of the greatest places to live, but every day when unemployment rises so does the number of people who don't have health insurance. & the beauty of it all is that it wouldn't cost people who have insurance anything at all or atleast less then its unknowingly costing them now. The price that is being paid for people who still get medical attention but can't pay for it, is still being paid through taxes, rather we recognize it or not. This is a much greater cost than what Universal Health Care would be.
But I'm just saying, I can't hold my ground too aggressively, but what I can say is I believe in Universal Health Care because I believe helping people is the right thing to do. As Martin Luther King Jr. said it shouldn't always be about what will happen to you, but what could happen to them. 

We watched this movie in my sociology class, biased yes, emotionally charged, very. And maybe I think this because I could never relate, all my life I have been covered and never paid a ridiculous amount for anything medical (except my birth control, 50 dollars COME ON!) but this movie will get at you and make you think. Just take one of these examples and apply it to you or a loved one, and its amazing how your perception changes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Renewing Love & Maybe Peace

So I want to updated, and what I originally was going to update about was how I don't want to wait until I'm old to be with the person I love, I'd rather just grow old with them. & I suppose that is still where I am going with this. A very beloved person died today and her struggle with cancer has made me appreciate my time even more. & if you truly want something (or in my case someone) then go for it. Because if you wait for eventually, eventually could never come. I recently told one of my best guy friends that I think people can say I love you too much. But perhaps I changed my mind. I feel like at some point when you are looking back you don't think "I wish they hadn't said that so much", but maybe sit there and wish they said it one more time. So forget being scared, go for what (or who) you want. Don't wait to be old, but become old together. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Renewing Faith Part Two

Stumble upon is an amazing thing. If you can read my blog you can watch this video.

People who are like this, renew my faith in the world.

That's it for the day.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Renewing Love Part Two

So I could make this a huge rant about how I don't like Valentines day and how I don't celebrate it and then you would counter that I am alone and bitter, but lets be honest being alone any day of the year feels just like it does on Valentines day. Seeing that cute couple in your psychology class holding hands, or your roommates boyfriend spending the night is a painful reminder that you have yet to find your "better half" even on some random day in September. Valentines day is a pressure holiday thanks to the big named companies *cough cough Hallmark*. You've probably heard it time and time again but Valentines day shouldn't be the only day you express how much you care for a significant other, and lets be honest someone buying us something, making us something, or taking us somewhere randomly is more of a pleasant surprise than doing it on Valentines Day where you have to make reservations weeks in advance just to get somewhere nice.
But I'll make this short, I don't like Valentines Day, and I don't like people who don't like Valentines Day because they don't have a significant other. Valentines day is just like every other day and if you were alone yesterday than its no different today. So what if your boyfriend buys you a necklace for the day, do you know how many other girls get the same exact thing on this "special" love day? My roommate (a self proclaimed lover of the love day) argues that its a day of appreciation and that some people don't always show it. But if he (or she) is the right one, shouldn't they show it every day, and not just because a thousand advertisements are telling them to?

Happy V Day Girls, and in a month Happy Steak and Blow Job day to you gentlemen!
Enjoy the music!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Renewing Peace Part One

Most people who have taken an American History class have learned about the Spanish-American War. In my history class since 1877, we read a chapter and write a paper, every week all semester. I usually take nothing from it, however something struck me about this war. Maybe it was the point of view that the secondary resource was providing, but I had never noticed how America seems to always believe that it is their responsibility to fix other countries problems. & when things like that happen we end up in wars for years with innocent people dying. Now let me stray a bit away from the political stand point but more of a personal one.
I can confess to being a a person who mingles into others lives, to a point that's probably not healthy. But does this do more harm than good? & are our intentions pure or are they manipulated by another factor (jealousy, betrayal, fear)? We get so caught up on fixing other peoples problems we create more. So what is it about humans that we feel the need to "help" others? I'm not saying helping is bad simply just a question. Maybe that is what makes us different from the rest of the species that populates this world, survival of the fittest really doesn't seem to mean much to mankind.

on a side note, my secret got posted on postsecret!!! 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Renewing Faith Part One

This by Darius Rucker

Fate by definition is the supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events, or inevitable events predestined by this force. Some believe in fate, some don't but I think either way if you are too far on one side of this controversy you are probably missing out on something.
I recently had someone tell me that they believed it was fate that these two people would be together, but little effort from either side and years later they are still apart. How is "fate" working out? & Who really likes to believe that no matter what they do "fate" is going to bring them together with some random person, job, or take them to some random place.
After conversing with two girls in my hall I think we all know that fate works for you if you work with it. There are probably several life situations that you could find pleasure in, job, significant other, and you can even include location if you so desire. At some point we are all settling, and a lot of us use the word "fate" to justify it.
So I guess through this rant if you could learn one thing, whatever is what you want the most in life, go for it. By simply trying you won't be wasting time to see if it will work, and it will be fate no matter the outcome.

Fate works for you, if you work with it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Renewing Love Part One

Lately the question on my mind has been all about the difference between being in love and loving someone. I use to believe that you should marry the person who loves you more than you love them. That eliminates all sorts of risk, especially along the lines of cheating, but lately I've been thinking you should marry the person who gives you the biggest thrill. I want that intense, passionate love. The love I have to fight for every day because that is when I think love is worth it. Not fighting doesn't mean you have the perfect relationship, and fighting doesn't mean its a bad relationship. I want to disagree, I want to have conversations that are so intellectually stimulating that it hurts my brain but atleast my IQ doesn't drop when I talk to you. So tell me, if you love one boy, but you're in love with another, who do you choose? What if you can't be sure of the first because of the last, do you choose the  passionate "in love" love, or the comfortable one?

You tell me.