Friday, March 4, 2011

Renewing Whatever

I'm going to have to screw the order. I use to be able to think in that order but lately life seems to crazy to even try.

I just watched Going the Distance. Great movie. But not what I was hoping for I wont lie. I wanted some relationship that despite all the miles they took the jobs they wanted/needed no one had to give up anything and they made the distance work for longer than what 6 months? But nope that's not how it ended. First I was pissed because the girl almost gave up the only job offer she got, which I mean come on doesn't it always seem like the girl is giving it up. But nope that didn't happen either, I know, huge plot twister. They broke up, 6 months later he leaves his job moves to L.A and they get back together.

How is Hollywood even producing movies anymore?
Better question: Why do we fall for essentially the same plot each time?

But that's beside the point. Long distance relationship. Something that seems to be brought up in every ones life once but are they really something you can build a relationship on. Clearly in this movie they couldn't make it work, he had to move across the country for that to happen, and if Hollywood can't make it happen why do we believe real life can? Is love really miles and hours strong. I don't know and is it worth finding out, I'm not sure. Maybe in love you do have to give up things, like your apartment, but if the relationship was suppose to work wouldn't you already be in the same place or i don't know state?

I love love, i love being in love, and i loved Going the Distance. & there are relationships in my life that I wish could work out, and maybe we don't know until we try but one of the great things about love is not being alone, and I think long distance relationships are pretty damn lonely.

Maybe love triumphs all... for my sake I really hope so.


Some thinking later..

Love is one of the rarest things we have in this world. If love can't beat distance, nothing stands a chance. 

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