Monday, March 28, 2011

Delicate Relations

You can ask any of my ex boyfriends I am far from the perfect girlfriend, in fact sometimes I can get pretty close to the crazy ex, but despite all my falls as the perfect significant other, I do know something about relationships. I know I know, why should you believe me, you probably shouldn't but today, while in psychology thinking about human relationships it came to my attention that relationships between humans are one of the most delicate creations on earth. In any relationship there are a million things that are left unsaid but what are some things that shouldn't be. So here are some relationship "should haves", "wouldn't hurt", and "bad for" thoughts.

Should Have

  • Communication
  • reminding the other how much you care about them each day (rather this is a text, a card, or even just a hug it never has to take much time)
  • Having personal time (being the same person & always being together never works well)
  • Having similar life style choices, although if you don't then it comes down to....
  • RESPECT :)
  • An equal willingness to do something for each other (example if you are willing to help them clean their dorm room, they should be willing to do the same)
  • Inside jokes 
  • Modesty
  • Faithfulness 
Wouldn't Hurt
  • Having your own friends
  • Having different interest
  • Saying I love/like/adore/care/miss you before bed (cliche but it's a mood booster- in the morning is a good time too) *AS LONG AS YOU MEAN IT*
  • A common thing that it just between you two (I know a couple who instead of the typical "i swear on my mothers grave" they swear on "forever" yes awww now.)
  • Not communicating for a few hours, especially if you are arguing or upset.
Bad For
  • Sweating the small stuff (pick your battles)
  • not lying but also not with holding information
  • Ignoring an issue 
  • Moving too fast

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