Sunday, March 13, 2011

My "Major" Issue

"Find something you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life"
---Harvey MacKay

I love teaching, I love kids and I love my "fake" major. Yes, fake, or at least according to some of my friends. No I don't take a bunch of classes that involve me studying in the library for hours on end but I do take classes were I have to make time outside of school for 40, 60, 100 hour practicums. I don't mix together chemicals, and there's no way in hell I could ever tell you the chemical DNA of anything and yes maybe you will be making more money than me while I'm living in a small apartment paying off my student loans, but money doesn't buy happiness. So call my major fake but without my "fake" major, you wouldn't be here. It may be an easy major, but it is one of the hardest jobs in America and the least appreciated. It takes passion and a lot of determination, so while you are taking your chemistry test and going to law or pharmacy school remember all the teachers it took to get you there before you start to look down on me or any body else's major for that fact. Who is anyone to judge someone else's passion. 

*Sorry for the rant!*

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