Thursday, March 24, 2011

The "Other" Brain

Boys think girls are confusing, girls think boys are confusing. I think girls care too much. Here the thing ladies we are so confused by what boys say to us because we hardly ever mean what we say! We use double meaning in almost everything, so we expect boys to do that as well. But boys don't. If they don't like you they wont be with you. If they are then don't question it all the time. Trying to find more meaning in a delayed text then just the fact that they didn't text you back isn't worth your time. & Waiting for him to break up with you isn't either. STOP THINKING SO NEGATIVELY. Girls, you are driving yourself crazy.

I also don't understand why people are "things" instead of in a relationship. If  you like each other then why wouldn't you just be together! If you are really suppose to be together than no distance, time, or anything should get in the way of that. No one ever got anything done by waiting.

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