Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Child's Play

"I understand the need for miracles they keep reality from paralyzing you"

It's amazing to me children's ability to make believe. Now bare with me. I babysit these little boys, and they are a handful about 90 percent of the time, but I spend a lot of time with them & they say things I don't understand, run around chasing things I can't see & they love every second of it. I think that's the peak in our lives for most people: childhood. Everything is cheap, a cardboard box can entertain you for hours, and you escape your reality as much as you want. Nothing can't be fixed by a band aid & mom's kiss. But with all things considering as you get older the pleasures in life change. Graduating high school & college are great, get married and have kids and you've never been happier, but after that there are bills & fights & the impact of a break up or a death hits hard because you understand the impact of these things. These little boys make me smile but sometimes it makes me sad to think they can go to a world I can't see anymore, they can escape reality but they leave me here to watch from the outside.

Another great song :) 

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