Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dear Young Me,

Dear Young Me,
I wont lie you stumble a lot, so instead of resenting people who try to help you, take their hand once in a while. Answer your phone every time your parents call, I know I know, they try to make what should be a five minute conversation into an hour, but one day you are really going to miss the sound of their voice (but don't delete their voice mails, that was a great idea!) Spend time with your sister and family before you leave college, the people you will want to spend your summer with won't even talk to you a year later. Don't let boys dictate your life, but if you do admit it and move on, Don't lie to mom and dad, they are alot cooler than you think and will eventually keep you out of a lot of trouble. OH, if you pull Spencer's tail he is going to bite you so be careful with that brush, and when you get your wisdom teeth out don't cover the bruise with band aids, your adhesive allergy is going to make the bruise look sick, (also never eat more than 12 strawberries, your face will regret it). In kindergarten don't color on the chalkboard with crayon, Ms Iron is a mean witch and will make you clean it during recess. Never let money dictate your life. In high school you will fall in love a few times, or so you will think, but believe me when I say when it doesn't work once it never will, it may be hard at time but you are going to save yourself alot of heart break if you don't try again. I know you think that to love someone hurts, but trust me when I say that if it's the right person, it doesn't. Don't go on that date, trust me you will know what I'm talking about when the opportunity arises. Avoid at all cost that church parking lot by home, it kind of goes hand and hand with that date. I know you are curious, and really when it comes to that I don't advice much different, except realize that repeating unhealthy activity will one day make you hate yourself, lets try to avoid that one. Never be afraid to wait, you wont miss out on anything. Watch George Lopez with Daddy as much as you can and start to open up to him, he understands more than you think. You are going to learn a lot of stuff you wish you didn't know, but don't be afraid to confront the person about it, it's not fair to let their mistakes eat away at you. Just because your old love didn't call you beautiful doesn't mean you should date every guy that does, you are better than that & you are beautiful. If you take cay's clothes hide them better, and don't smoke in your car it makes dad mad. When someone says something that offends you speak up, and when a friend tells you something that is hard to hear sit and listen. Don't go get coffee that day with Jen & Kaiti, and realize that the guys who started out as "just fun" end up being the most consistent men in your life, hold on to them, they love you for you. Try to sleep more in college and skip less class in high school. And on the plane ride back from London, make sure you plug the headphones all the way in, its amazing how much sense movies make with sound. Don't hold on to people who aren't holding on back, and don't be afraid when it seems like high school meant more to others than it did to you. Being ready to move on is scary, but not something to be ashamed of. Go out and have fun. Remember you are only as strong as the drinks you sip on, the friends you lean against and the tables you dance on. I love you.
P.S Even if you follow none of this & make all the mistakes I made, you still did damn well, kid.

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