Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Child's Tale

There are very few people in your life who will always be there for you. For instance your parents and family. A lot of people would like to think their friends will be there for them no matter what but I know things that I could do that would push almost all of my friends away. I have great friends, at school and at home, and I think I'm one of the few people who would rather be at school all year than be at home which in ways makes me feel very distance from my friends at school because I know they would rather  be at home. But that is a bit off the point. I have few friends here at home where it really feels like nothing has changed. Tonight I sat on that same old play ground with my same old friend and talked. It is a playground that we have promised never to take anyone else to. And while we are lightyears away from who we were last summer, and while things couldn't be more different, our friendship has never changed. And I know there are few things in this world I could do that would make him hate me, and I'm sure he knows the same thing. He knows me better than a lot of people, he knows my problems with my family and doesn't take anything I tell him lightly. He's the first and only friend that I have ever had that takes me seriously when I want to be and knows when I'm joking. I can tell him anything (like my weird fear of weed effects), and he can do the same. & Our history could make a funny little sitcom or book. We've been through a lot and hopefully he will always be there when I need him. I can't tell you where either of us will end up, and if in a year we will sit on the playground again, or even after this summer if we will see each other that much. But after almost nine years of friendship it is nice to know that the history of us will forever been frozen on the playground, and for that I am internally grateful.

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